Habitat for Humanity Catholic Build

Visit - Catholic Build: https://www.h4h.org/catholicbuild 

To learn more or sign up to volunteer
(Access Code to volunteer is "Catholic25"), visit www.h4h.org/catholicbuild


Habitat’s Catholic Build 2025

Just a few blocks down from Hewitt Street and Michigan Avenue intersection, you can come see the brand new home construction project of our 2025 Habitat for Humanity Catholic Build at 345 Firwood Street in Ypsilanti.   

The two Saturdays dedicated to our Catholic group volunteers:   April 25th & May 17th, 2025.

Please join me in praying for our partnership in building this home. Yes, building a new house requires many partners, including you!

Please see this link for photos of the progress so far: https://www.flickr.com/photos/149270829@N08/albums/72177720317780581/

Make a donation!!   Please mention "St. Francis Parish" and "our HabitatTEAM 2025 Catholic Home Build" when you make a contribution here:  https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/weblink.aspx?name=E12725&id=1


All volunteers must register online by the Monday before each scheduled build day.

All MUST arrive by 9 AM and plan to stay on site until the projects have been completed.

SIGN UP HERE:    https://givepul.se/ihnompog3xr2

Access code: Catholic25

Expected tasks, additional details and possible location changes will be emailed the week of each scheduled build day.   Please note that for each event, the registrations will close the Monday beforehand so our Construction Team can prepare for the number of volunteers. This ensures that the day is the most rewarding and productive for all involved.

If you have any volunteer-related questions, please reach out to our 

Volunteer Coordinator - Mariah Forger (734.968.8472) <mariah@h4h.org>

Habitat for Humanity of Huron Valley

950 Victors Way, Suite 50, Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Office: 734-882-2012    www.h4h.org

Building homes. Securing futures. Strengthening communities. 

Thank you so much for your commitment to the mission of Habitat for Humanity Huron Valley. We are deeply grateful for your generosity!

Thank you for providing generous donations,
Habitat for Humanity Huron Valley 
950 Victors Way, Suite 50
Ann Arbor MI 48108
Office: 734-882-2012   

2021 Catholic House

We are proud to announce the Catholic Build 2021

We have selected a home and family for the 2021 Catholic Build, which kicks off in May and June.
All information about the house, family and volunteering (including links to sign up and complete volunteer waivers) is available at https://www.h4h.org/catholicbuild

The house will be:  835 Lamay Ave., Ypsilanti
and the future Habitat family is 


We are looking for 4 - 6 volunteers from partner churches to build with us on Saturday, May 15 and Saturday, June 19! 
The links for volunteers to sign up are below, but also found on the calendar on the Catholic Build landing page (h4h.org/catholicbuild).

Also attached is the 2021 Catholic Build Flyer, which includes information on what to expect while volunteering on our site. 
Volunteers MUST pre-register and complete our online waiver, so we can provide accurate contact tracing should it be needed. Additionally, volunteers are expected to wear masks while on our sites and practice safe social distancing measures. 

Links for volunteers to sign up:
Open June 19: http://bit.ly/CatholicBuildJun19


This habitat house renovation is happening because of the generous support from our parish in partnership with neighboring parishes in Washtenaw County. Together volunteers from several parishes will be working to complete renovations.       This year, we are hoping to collectively raise $20,000 to help support the cost of renovation materials for the house.

Thank you for your support of our Habitat families and affordable housing.

Leah Borst, Development - Corporate and Faith RelationsHabitat for Humanity Huron Valley
2805 S. Industrial Hwy., Suite 100, Ann Arbor MI 48104
Office: 734-882-2004


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We are proud to announce the 2019 Catholic House!
 Here is a link to the volunteer sign up: http://bit.ly/CatholicBuild2019
2425 Merrill St., Ypsilanti
3 bedroom • 1 bath • 1,092 square feet
Volunteer Days:  9 AM - 4 PM on
Saturdays, April 13 & May 11 & 18 & June 1 & June 8 .

(Anyone 16-18 years old can do tasks like painting, landscaping etc., which don't require power tools.)

This habitat house renovation is happening because of the generous support from our parish in partnership with neighboring parishes in Washtenaw County.  Together volunteers from several parishes will be working to complete renovations.   Here is a link to the volunteer sign up: http://bit.ly/CatholicBuild2019

Thank you for all you do and for your support.

Habitat for Humanity of Huron Valley

170 Aprill Dr. Suite A
Ann Arbor, MI 48103


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2017 Catholic Habitat House

We are proud to announce the 2017 Catholic House!
1157 Buick Ave., Ypsilanti, MI 48198

Follow along on Facebook to see the Catholic House progress in our Facebook photo album dedicated to Christine's house: 

The Catholic Build:  we will be working to complete renovations on this house following energy star standards, starting April 1st., 2017. The build days are listed on the signup. (Anyone 16-18 years old can do tasks like painting, landscaping etc., which don't require power tools.).   The scope of work may include new siding new roofs, new kitchen, bathroom, electrical, flooring, insulation, pipes, painting through out, new appliances, and landscaping.

Meet our partner family and....

Sign-up to volunteer and work on the "Catholic House" at: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0a45a8ad23a7f58-2017

Follow along on Facebook to see the Catholic House progress in our Facebook photo album dedicated to Christine's house: 


Thank you for all you do and for your support. 

Here is the link for the MobileCause platform for fundraising.

Want to give online? Give by texting:  H4HCatholic  to  71777.

Also, see, here is  a "Catholic House Update" 2017-02-10.
(In this up-date you'll see photos of our partner family and house.)

Habitat for Humanity of Huron Valley

170 Aprill Dr. Suite A
Ann Arbor, MI 48103


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