Habitat for Humanity Catholic Build

Visit - Catholic Build: https://www.h4h.org/catholicbuild 

To learn more or sign up to volunteer
(Access Code to volunteer is "Catholic"), visit www.h4h.org/catholicbuild

(Video) Follow our Homeowner-Family's journey with Habitat  https://youtu.be/IRyCriadzos

(Blog) Read about Keith Curry, the 2022 Catholic Build homeowner: https://www.h4h.org/blog/meetkeith

I've attached a few pictures from the most recent work days, however, you can view/download more here: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmQXs4LD

Thank you for providing generous donations,
Leah Borst,  Development - Corporate and Faith Relations
Habitat for Humanity Huron Valley 
950 Victors Way, Suite 50
Ann Arbor MI 48108
Office: 734-882-2004 Cell: 248-343-3663
Fax: 734-677-1572

2021 Catholic House

We are proud to announce the Catholic Build 2021

We have selected a home and family for the 2021 Catholic Build, which kicks off in May and June.
All information about the house, family and volunteering (including links to sign up and complete volunteer waivers) is available at https://www.h4h.org/catholicbuild

The house will be:  835 Lamay Ave., Ypsilanti
and the future Habitat family is 


We are looking for 4 - 6 volunteers from partner churches to build with us on Saturday, May 15 and Saturday, June 19! 
The links for volunteers to sign up are below, but also found on the calendar on the Catholic Build landing page (h4h.org/catholicbuild).

Also attached is the 2021 Catholic Build Flyer, which includes information on what to expect while volunteering on our site. 
Volunteers MUST pre-register and complete our online waiver, so we can provide accurate contact tracing should it be needed. Additionally, volunteers are expected to wear masks while on our sites and practice safe social distancing measures. 

Links for volunteers to sign up:
Open June 19: http://bit.ly/CatholicBuildJun19


This habitat house renovation is happening because of the generous support from our parish in partnership with neighboring parishes in Washtenaw County. Together volunteers from several parishes will be working to complete renovations.       This year, we are hoping to collectively raise $20,000 to help support the cost of renovation materials for the house.

Thank you for your support of our Habitat families and affordable housing.

Leah Borst, Development - Corporate and Faith RelationsHabitat for Humanity Huron Valley
2805 S. Industrial Hwy., Suite 100, Ann Arbor MI 48104
Office: 734-882-2004


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